The library of IIHMR Bangalore is a central place for Academics, Knowledge Acquisition, and Research activities. It has a rich collection of books, periodicals, dissertations, Project reports, Faculty Publications, and Case Studies; the Collection also includes E-resources from leading Databases. Such as EBSCOhost and Indiastat. The library has a unique collection of publications in various fields such as Health Management, Hospital Management, Health Information Technology & Pharmaceutical Management. Also, the collection of IIHMR-owned Research Project training materials, Handbooks, Manuals, Reports, and Conference Proceedings are available. In 2019, the library was automated with KOHA LMS and OPAC Facility. Koha includes modules for acquisitions, circulation, cataloguing, serials management, authorities, flexible reporting, label printing, multi-format notices, offline circulation for when Internet access is not available, and much more.
To provide all the information available in the academic to meet the needs of the students, teachers and research scholars by using advanced technology.
IIHMR is a premier institute in health management education, training, research, program management and consulting in the healthcare sector globally. The Institute is known as a learning organization with its core values as:
‣ Quality
‣ Accountability
‣ Trust
‣ Transparency
‣ Sharing knowledge and information.
The Institute aims to contribute for social equity and development through its commitment to support programs which aiming poor and the deprived population.